Active Reading Programme
The Active Reading Programme is a joint initiative between the Mother Tongue Languages (MTL) and English Language (EL) Departments, and is implemented by the Active Reading Committee. It aims to instill the love for reading and promote the appreciation of languages. It is also our aim to provide our students with greater access to books, and motivate them to read widely. This year, we have launched five activities – ‘Reading under the Stars (RUTS)’, ‘Mobile Library @ Foyer’, ‘Pre-loved Books on Wheels’, ‘Eat-a-Book’ and ‘Storytelling’, which are targeted at building the reading culture in our school. In addition to these activities, we have also introduced and guided students to navigate online portals to access e-books and resources from the National Library Board (NLB) and the School e-Resource Repository (SERR).
Reading under the Stars (RUTS)
Reading under the Stars is an annual school event held to encourage our Primary One students to read extensively in both the English and MTL. It also aims to promote parent-child bonding through reading. This year’s theme “Express Yourself” aimed to get our children to find creative ways to share their feelings, thoughts and ideas about themselves. Students and parents were treated to a book-sharing session by local author J.H. Low, as well as storytelling sessions and hands-on activities conducted by our teachers. Though it was conducted via Zoom this year due to the pandemic, students enjoyed themselves and it was heartening to see their bright smiles on the screen.
Mobile Library @ Foyer
The ‘Mobile Library @ Foyer’ idea was conceived and implemented owing to our commitment to provide our students with access to library books during this pandemic while observing Safe Management Measures (SMM) practices. Classes are rostered to visit the Mobile Library during recess and students are encouraged to read and borrow books. This also provided our students with the space to spend their time productively during recess.
Pre-loved Books on Wheels
The aim of ‘Pre-loved Books on Wheels’ is to provide students with greater access to books and cultivate the love for reading. These pre-loved books are placed in strategic locations within the school and students have ready access to them any time of the day. Students are allowed to take the books and are trusted to return them after reading. In order to ensure a steady supply of pre-loved books, we plan to hold a book donation drive at the end of the year.