Active Recess Programme
The school embarked on the Active Recess Programme in 2017 to encourage students to play during recess. Apart from providing the students with an avenue to enjoy themselves, we hope that students can continue practising the skills that they have learnt during PE lesson. The school hopes that students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to lead an active and healthy lifestyle when they leave the school.
This year, despite the Covid-19 situation, we continued with our Active Recess Programme. Each class is allocated to a specific venue and students could play with their classmate only. The Active Recess Committee ensures that all students adhere to the Safe Management Measures, such as washing and disinfecting their hands before and after activities. In addition, all Active Recess sports equipment and resources (eg. games, books) are cleaned and sanitized daily.
The school has expanded our Active Recess activities and venues so that more classes will get to play at any one time. This year, we have opened the school’s Terrace for students to play board games and the school’s Foyer for reading. In addition, we plan to open up the Game Room where students can play Foosball, Video Games and Board Games.